Cold calling – what is it?

If at least 80% of jobs aren’t advertised, how then are you meant to find them? One excellent way is to cold call.

Cold calling is where you introduce yourself over the phone to a potential employer and then ask them for a job. You might also be seeking work experience or the name of someone who can help you further.

It’s important of course to do your research. Ask your friends and relatives if they know someone who might be looking to hire new people. And investigate the companies you’ll be cold calling – how many employees they have, what they make, etc.

You could be waiting a long time for that dream job ad to appear in your inbox. But with confidence, clarity and persistence, a cold call can create opportunities for work that you’d never imagine. And you won’t be competing with 250 other applicants either.

Calling someone who has no idea who you are to ask them for work is scary. But it gets easier with practice and it does get results. So, useful tips, take advice from experts, do your research and get dialling.

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