
I can act as focal point for joint work with Research and Communications section and support greater coordination between the functional areas.
I can lead and coordinate institute’s learning and innovation work; researching and sharing good practices, current research in order to develop staff and partner capacity.
I usually coordinate the documentation and sector-wide sharing of resources and lessons learned, creating an enduring knowledge bank for organization’s work.
Identification cross-cutting knowledge gaps and initiate research to address them is also one of my strength.
I’m good at liaising between staff and the management to develop and integrate collective indicators into monitoring and evaluation work.
Strength of mine is to support preparations for the new Program and the achievement of the strategic result areas outlined in the organizational Developments Assistance Framework (DAF).
Some time I find myself going beyond the limits and needs of a task or a research work.
My biggest weakness is that I tend to not speak up at large meetings when I feel I have a great idea. I have been working on sharing more freely at company meetings. I also often find myself working quickly, and while I have yet to make any mistakes, I am starting to slow down in order to ensure perfection.