
As an individual named Shane Karim, I bring forth a blend of determination, curiosity, and a commitment to excellence in all endeavours. With a solid educational background and a passion for international relations, I have embarked on a journey marked by notable achievements and significant milestones.

Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Cyprus International University, I have honed my skills in understanding global dynamics, diplomacy, and cross-cultural communications. With a commendable CGPA of 3.32, I demonstrated academic rigor and a thirst for knowledge throughout my undergraduate studies.

In addition to academic accomplishments, I have actively pursued opportunities for personal and professional growth. Among the highlights of my journey are the awards and recognitions I have received for my contributions and achievements. These accolades stand as testament to my dedication, perseverance, and impact in various spheres.

One of the notable awards I have earned is [Award/Recognition Name], which was bestowed upon me for [specific achievement or contribution]. This recognition not only validates my efforts but also inspires me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life.

Furthermore, I have been honoured with three honoured certificates from Cyprus international university. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of dedication and commitment in achieving meaningful goals and making a positive difference in the world.

Beyond awards, I have actively engaged in initiatives and projects that reflect my passion for international relations and global affairs. Whether through academic research, internships, or volunteer work, I have consistently sought opportunities to deepen my understanding of geopolitical issues and contribute to positive change on a global scale.

As I continue to navigate my professional journey, I remain committed to embracing new challenges, expanding my horizons, and making meaningful contributions to the field of international relations and beyond. With a steadfast dedication to excellence and a spirit of inquiry, I look forward to the opportunities and adventures that lie ahead.


Cyprus international university

Feb 2019 - Aug 2022 BA International relations


Muhammad jumshed

Aug 2022 Manager