
My life is driven by inspiration and passion to create huge impacts from its very inception. I went to an all girls school which was headed by Begum Anese Majeed, an ingenuous woman who had a remarkable leadership caliber. She dwelled into us a spark to create an impact as strong-headed focused women. This only further ignited hanker to prove my abilities and brought about the leader already being nurtured in me by my immediate family and the society I bred in. My father’s progressive mindset and my mother’s spirit of leadership had inculcated into me a fire to do something, and a competitive quintessence.
As time flew, I went over with a Matriculation in Sciences to understand the principles of the Universe and its physical elements better. Later, my true essence bloomed, only, when I opted for Economics, Sociology and English Literature in my Intermediate and later opted BBA and MBA, to emanate my management skills. This was the step that brought out the budding leader in me.
Throughout my educational career, I scored above 70 to 80{97eebaffb719edc77f5d3f263ca9ac303de719282e01b1503d31e8104cb63712} marks corroborating my intellect at every phase. I have a particular interest in the subject Mathematics and have always gained maximum marks in it which stands proof of my intelligence. I was awarded a scholarship in Matric from Lahore Board and also then at University. My entire MBA program was at 50{97eebaffb719edc77f5d3f263ca9ac303de719282e01b1503d31e8104cb63712} scholarship and I also worked for the intact 1 year, during MBA, as a Research Associate at LSE. This opportunity is only given to a very few selected candidates which manifests my skills to out maneuver others and a spirit to excel. I taught 60 plus students and helped them inscribe their Research Papers, at the job. After my first job, I also worked in the agricultural Giant of the world, Monsanto Pvt. Ltd. Even there, I tasted the triumph of my prowess of headship, as after working with me for only a few weeks, my 2 other team mates decided to pursue my field in future. Likewise, I guided and assisted my class mates as well during our study tenure, as much as required.
Through life, I discovered my leadership skills from the simple steps I took. Soon after school, I joined a hockey club and started playing hockey and baseball which continued through college. But in conjunction with sports, I was an active social worker. At college, I stood for the annual elections and won, from 3 other candidates, the seat of the Kinnaird Environmental Society head for 2007-2008. In a similar fashion, I was also a member of many other clubs. I arranged and managed many events as the head and otherwise, including those for social causes. Some of these include the white ribbon campaign, Girls Scout events, charities, etc. In one event, the Charity mela, for instance, I conducted the event and collected Rs. 50,000 to be given as donation to poor children.
I have a strong devotion to work and want to engender a wallop in the world to play my part in a better society. For this, I have been struggling till date and will consistently perpetuate in doing so, heedless of the hardships.