
I am Muhammad Yasir Akbar completed my M.Phil. studies in Bioinformatics from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. My research mainly focused on Computer aided drug design, and I have great experience in chemoinformatics and molecular modelling studies. Besides these I have working knowledge of other bioinformatics skills like NGS data analysis and micro-array analysis. I am self-starter and self-taught programmer and have great experience in data science too. I am proficient in developing command line pipelines and have great ability of problem-solving skills. The goal of my research is to find best possible in silico solutions to the biological problems.


Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad

Oct 2019 / Dec 2021 M.Phil. Bioinformatics

University of Peshawar

Oct 2015 / July 2019 BS Microbiology