
Since a young age I have been interested in physics learning about the cosmos as much as I could. My life choices have led me to learning more about mathematics than physics as I thought it would give me a better understanding of Physics. In the short run I had started to doubt myself and think it was useless in terms of Physics. in reality it was quite the opposite and I could understand Physics much more clearly and easily (except relativity, wave particle duality, neutrinos, electromagnetism ok there is a lot of aspects of Physics that were difficult to understand) except a few. During my A levels our school won the Olympiad and my team came second in the mathematics competition had I done better in sudoku we would have won.

Due to COIVD restriction I couldn’t go to any competitions I had signed up for.  During that time I made my own type 2 super conductor using the shake and bake method. my interests lie in nuclear fusion, plasma physics and accelerators hence the heart of two of these interests have to be super conductors.

I wish I could have been doing more with my time but this is no time for regrets I must look forward with this new opportunity. I had been dealt a short hand inflicted with third degree burns and lost nearly 4 years of my education to which I still suffer at times. My philosophy is there needs to be an internal motivation, desire to strive for improvement of self and most important the willpower and discipline to enact and keep directing that energy so that I am constantly moving toward my goals. I have the goals the heart but lack in parts of my knowledge and practical experience I hope to improve these during the internship.


Forman Christian College

2018/2022 Bachelors of Mathematics

Not finished currently attending fall semester for independent study

Lahore Grammar School

2016/2018 A levels