
An ambitious Electrical Engineer still completing my degree from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Science and Technology with excellent interpersonal and communication ability with a wide range of technical skills.Self-motivated student seeking an internship position in a good organization where my potentials will be fully discovered while working for the company delicately.

Dean’s Honor List Award in 4th semester.

Liaison and Sponsorship Head at SPIE GIKI was able to gather 75 participants for NEECO’18 and brought a sponsorship of 150K


Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

2016/2020 5th Semester in B.S. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

CGPA – 3.22

Jinnah Highs School System

2014/2016 GCE A Level

2A’s 1B

British International School System

2013/2014 GCE O Level

6A’s 2B’s