
An ardent reader with an ability to build strong relationships. Enjoy sports, foreign cinema and books. I’m passionate about learning new things and get inspired in the words of futurist and writer Alvin Toffler – “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” I’ve built my career in a variety of roles and industries, mostly in companies where I was not just the doer but also team player, technology help, goal setter, resource handler and counselor to many. I’m not only used to wearing many hats, I sincerely enjoy it; I thrive in an environment where no two work days are exactly the same, but better.
One of my recent projects involved coordinating and developing an organizational level (tech supported) quality mechanism and payment tracking protocols: The result? A goal oriented negotiation program which adhered to our client’s needs and we were able to receive more than $1 million delayed payments, since
2014 – in less than 4 months.