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Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 4 reviews.


Minimum Qualification and Experience:

DAE (Mechanical / General Engg) from a recognized Polytechnic Institute with three years experience in the relevant field in a reputed firm / organization.

Tagged as: GIKI

About GIKI

The Careers Office is run under the supervision of Pro-Rector (Academics), Prof. Dr. Javed Ahmad Chattha. Coordinators Open House & Careers Fair are Officers Incharges of this office and they are responsible for remaining in contact with national / multinational companies through out the year for seeking job opportunities, internship and sponsorship of the events if possible.

The office mainly serves the following purposes:

The office is used for advising the students
Information on various companies is available from the Careers Office
The office serves as a bridge between the perspective employers and students
The office helps the students in the preparation of their CV
The office helps in finding internships for the students