ELECTRICIAN Salim Agencies Jobs in Karachi
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ELECTRICIAN Salim Agencies Jobs in Karachi

Required Experience:
10 year(s)

Job Location:
Saudi Arabia

Academic Qualification:
Graduation (Science)

Additional Qualification:
cetified deploma in electric engineering

technical full time job in maintenance and installation of electric cables and equipments for residential buildings and lighting projects. salary offered= $400/month. all bills and living coasts paid including housing, transportation, food, iqama, medical insurance, visa tuition. and vacation ticket every tow years.

Salim Agencies is a full service overseas and local recruitment firm. We provide corporations in Middle East and Asia with highly skilled and semi skilled and skilled personnel, suited for their respective industries. Salim Agencies provides select corporations with experienced talent from Asia and other countries around the world . These high in demand individuals are either in the process of relocating to Middle East, or have on prior Middle East experience in conjunction with our partnering employment agents. We are now becoming a worldwide overseas recruitment agency. We want to fulfill the needs of our clients from all around the world. The name of the countries which we would like you to add are as follows: Pakistan, Bahrain, Oman, Libya, Muscat, Malaysia, U.K., U.S.A, U.A.E, Iran, Australia ,India ,Canada and other various countries.

Tagged as: Salim-Agencies

About Salim-Agencies

Salim agencies came into existence in 1960, as an overseas recruitment agency, with the sole purpose of creating employment opportunities in Pakistan. It aims to remove the disparity that is created due to unemployment in the country. In this highly competitive world, when there is so much saturation in the market, Salim agencies was founded to help the right skill, knowledge and expertise reach the most apt forum and be matched with the right job. We aim to facilitate our clients by providing them with the best source of manpower and human resource services, as per their job description and specification. It is an established fact that the human resource is the most valuable asset for any company, and it should be carefully selected. Salim Agencies is there to serve you in this highly important decision of recruiting the right personnel, outsourcing services, which aid our clientele to enhance their vision and focus to increase their productivity.